Strong Hips can help prevent Knee Problems

March 7, 2016

If your hips aren’t stable and effectively able to stabilize your pelvis while walking, running or playing sports, your knees will suffer. 

    The knee is one of the easiest parts of the body to injure because it is used for many motions the body performs. Pain usually occurs after you exercise but sometimes sitting too long can cause knee pain as well. Pain may also occur after exercise feeling a constant ache or sharp pain that can limit your daily activities. If you've suffered from this kind of pain and are looking for ways to strengthen your knees, one effective way is to strengthen your hips through exercise. 

By performing these exercises 2-3 days a week you can help condition your hips.

Step Ups

   Holding a set of hand weights, stand  in front of a bench. The bench should be at a height that puts your knee at a 90 degree angle. Keep your kneecap facing forward and your weight distributed on all four corners of your foot. Place  the foot of your first leg on the bench. Stand on bench by extending hip and knee of the first leg and bring the second leg up on the bench too.  Step down with second leg by flexing hip and knee of the first leg. Return to original standing position by placing foot of first leg to floor. Perform 1-2 sets with 10-12 reps.

Resisted Lateral Steps

   Wrap a resistance tube around your ankles. Standing with your feet hip-width apart take a step to the side with your right leg. With your left leg bring it sideways to meet the right leg. Do this one way then the other for 1-2 minutes.

Leg Bridging

   Lie on your back with 1 leg bent (knee to ceiling) foot on the floor and the other leg lifted straight up or bent knee to the ceiling.  With your arms at your side, slowly lift your hips and buttocks up towards the ceiling while contracting your glutes (buttocks) and hamstrings (back of thigh) until your body weight is resting on your shoulder blades. Make sure your hips are square to the ceiling and your abdominals held in tightly.  Lift slowly up and down Perform  1-2 sets for 10-12 reps.

Stability Ball Hamstring Curls

    Lie on your back with your feet positioned on an exercise ball. With your arms at your side, slowly lift your hips and buttocks up towards the ceiling while contracting your glutes  and hamstrings (back of thigh) until your body weight is resting comfortably on your shoulder blades. Throughout the entire exercise, be sure to keep your hips square to the ceiling and your abdominals contracted.  Now slowly curl the ball in towards your body while maintaining control and stability through your core area. Slowly curl out and in 8-20 times. Do one or two sets.