Exercises and Stretches for Sciatica

January 26, 2015

   Last week I started writing about the pain caused by irritation of the Sciatica nerve. It's the largest nerve in the body and is usually felt from the low back to behind the thigh. It can radiate all the way down below the knee.

   Sciatica exercises and stretches focus on relieving pain in the lower back and legs, which are associated with damage of the radicular nerve. In most cases, exercise is more beneficial than bed rest. Movement will promote the exchange of fluids in the spinal discs, while also strengthening the back muscles and providing support for the back. These movements can also prevent the recurrence of the pain. Performing them on a daily basis can help you maintain strength and flexibility throughout the day. As always consult a doctor, physical therapist or a chiropractic specialist before doing these exercises.

Knees to chest

  Lying on your back bring both knees to chest. Place both hands under your knees and gently pull them toward your chest creating a deeper stretch. Hold this position for 15 seconds. While holding your legs close to your body rock your knees side to side slowly 10 times on each side. This will help to relieve tightness in the back and lower spine area.

Piriformis stretch

    Lie on your back with right arm facing down at your side. Place right heel on left knee and bend right knee angling it over to your left side.With your left hand placed just above your right knee gently put pressure on the bent thigh. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Glute stretch

   Lying on your back place your right foot on the floor with the right knee bent up toward the ceiling. Place your left heel on your right knee with your left knee facing away from your body. Gently put pressure on your raised left knee  holding for 15-20 seconds.  Repeat on the right side.

Extension Exercises

   Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs stretched out. Raise one arm and the opposite leg, holding them in this position for 3 seconds. Lower them to the ground, repeating the same movement with the other limbs. A series of 10, performed twice per day is sufficient to promote the exchange of fluids in the spinal discs.